Case Studies

Lifestyle Blogger Sees Revenue Growth through Audience Expansion

Lifestyle blogger Jo-Lynne Shane gained new advertisers, increased publisher commissions, and boosted ad sales revenue after a CJ Content-Certified designation. A YOY comparison of results from October - March proves CJ's Content Solution successful.

Results at a Glance:
Content Certified Results

Audience Refresh for Lifestyle Blog
Jo-Lynne Shane started her affiliate program in 2010. As the years passed, Jo-Lynne needed to come up with new ways to build advertiser partnerships and grow her affiliate program, but she wasn't quite sure how.

Goal: Increase Advertisers, Grow Revenue
As a publisher in the network for over five years, Jo-Lynne Shane looked to increase the advertisers within her affiliate program in order to grow advertiser sales, commission rates, and ultimately overall revenue.

Solution: Content Solution & Content Certified Program
Jo-Lynne Shane leveraged a suite of tools within CJ's Content Solution, received tailored support from CJ's Content Team, and her blog received a "Content Certified" designation—connecting her with more advertisers at more competitive rates. As a Content Certified publisher, Jo-Lynne participated in additional sponsored posts, establishing long-term relationships with brands and ultimately earning more revenue from the affiliate channel.

Results: Stunning

After taking advantage of the CJ's Content Solution and becoming Content Certified, publisher Jo-Lynne Shane amassed new advertisers, as well as enjoyed an increase in publisher commissions and growth in revenue via advertiser sales.

  • 61 new advertiser relationships via CJ's Content Certified Program
  • 6 sponsored post campaigns since being certified
  • 191% increase in publisher commissions, including sponsored post revenue
  • 156% increase in advertiser sales
"I've been working with CJ Affiliate for several years, but it wasn't until I became a part of the Content Certified program that my revenue really started to grow...CJ Affiliate is now one of the top revenue generators for my website."Jo-Lynne Shane , Owner
Content Certified Program

The Content Certified program jumpstarts relationships between pre-qualified content publishers and category-specific advertisers looking to expand their brands within quality environments.

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